Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apa yang penting.....

Kerjasama.. Even wonderpets knew that. Sigh. Sometimes I feel lost. I used to feel that most of the time in the past actually, but now I only have this feeling once in a while. The last time I had this dilemma, I shut that person off my life for two weeks.

I have been handling things myself for quite sometime. Until recently.. Somehow, I do not feel trilled or something. I feel like something amiss somewhere. True enough, my instinct never fails me.

Now, i feel that the burden on me is getting heavier, and i know i need the strength to say it out loud. But, can I? Should I? Dilemma. Hates it.

Should i shut everything off my life for a moment, and look thru a different perspective?


Shalyz said...

Anggap macam ko cabut plaster... the pain is temporary, tapi nanti dia elok balik la tu... just say it out loud... tak guna ko pendam, babe... just tell that person how you feel about things...

People can't read minds... the only way for them to find out of your suffering is for you to let them know... *hugs*

aieesha.salleh said...

Hehe, thanks for the advice :) will try