From L to R (top to bottom):
- With his birthday gift given by Mamatok
- Him with Mamatok and his gift ^_^
- Papa excitedly trying hard to unwrap the gift
- Mamatok tried to unwrap 1st so carefully sampai tekun anak bujang memerhati :)
From Lto R:
- At his birthday party (we celebrate at his nursery) - gambar sesat ni
- Seems like Papa yang excited nak bukak gift dia.. Tak pernah dapat gift remote control car ke papa?
- His Gift
- Excitedly showing to mamatok ^_^

happy bday ashraf :)
Thanks aunty eliss ^_^
Acap, kita belum jumpa lagi nak celebrate bday sama Iman
haah. bila kita nak kuar baby day's out?
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